Star Wars 5E campaign
Star Wars 5E Campaign
“Gruce Lavel sneers in a haughty voice, “Where are the credits you owe me, Travellers?” He levels his blaster at the party. Across the room, a lightsaber switches on, casting an eerie blue light in the shadows…“
Run by Ben W. as Game Master
Ben Worth will be running a campaign using the Star Wars 5E rule system, https://www.sw5e.com. SW5E is based on the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition game system. The rules are free; no purchase required. Players familiar with 5th edition D&D will have no trouble picking up SW5E. The campaign is set loosely in the Star Wars universe, in the far reaches of the Outer Rim. Player characters own a small starship, think Star Wars meets Firefly. Players will choose races and character classes from the Star Wars universe. Ever wanted to play a Wookie Jedi or an Ewok bounty hunter? Now’s your chance.
Zero Game: Thursday, June 16, 6:00 PM. Come and build a character.
Character creation notes: Players are welcome to begin character development ahead of 6/16. Use the rules described here: https://www.sw5e.com/rules/phb/stepByStep. Starting ability scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Quick build encouraged. Send Q&A to ben.worth@me.com or use the Star Wars 5E Discord channel.
Event Policies: The table is limited to 7 players, so be sure to RSVP! No prior knowledge of Star Wars 5E or role-playing games is needed. This event is intended for ages 18+.
Game Master
Ben WDungeon Master
Ben Worth (ben.worth@me.com) grew up in Lexington in the 1970s and 1980s. He fondly remembers Lexington’s first gaming store, Crafts Plus, where he bought his first edition AD&D books including the Deities & Demigods with the Lovecraft and Nehwon mythos. He has played and game-mastered many campaigns over the years including Dungeons Dragons (primarily 1st, 3rd, and 5th editions), old school TSR games (Gamma World, Boot Hill, Top Secret), Traveller, and newer games like Cyberpunk Red and Champions. He recently ran the Wizard of the Coast’s Descent into Avernus campaign, a Traveller, Mongoose 2nd edition game, and a D&D 5th Edition series for Just Games (the Khulassa Campaign).
Event Attendees
Gregg B Whitworth1 tickets
Danny Quevedo1 tickets
Travis D1 tickets