Brutal frontline Ironjawz fighters for your Orruk Warclans army Builds 10 Orruk Ardboys, armed with either choppas or stikkas Customise your armoured mob using different heads, weapons, and shields
A mighty mounted Ironjawz leader for your Orruk Warclans army Lead the charge as you trample enemies and smash foes aside Alternatively builds a Maw-grunta with Hakkin' Krew, or a Maw-grunta Gouger
Deadly ranged infantry for your Kruleboyz and Orruk Warclans forces Battleline in Big Yellers Kruleboyz armies Three miniatures with a variety of interchangeable heads and crossbow components so no two need look alike
A perfect start to your Space Marines collection Three push-fit models, six paints, and a starter brush Features moulded squad markings and Ultramarines iconography
Assemble the heavy weapon specialists of the Adepta Sororitas army Gear up with your choice of weapons and wargear Includes five Retributors and two Armorium Cherubs
A swift and scaly battleline unit to hit-and-run for your Seraphon army Builds 24 Skinks, nimble skirmishers bristling with projectiles Combine an armoury of options clubs, javelins, bucklers, and boltspitters
A front-line support Character and Elites choice for the Adepta Sororitas Empowers her fellow Sisters with a steely gaze Highly skilled at swinging her huge mace