CATAN Championship Qualifier

Official CATAN Championship Qualifier
Are you the best settler of Catan? Test your skills in this officially sanctioned Catan Championship Qualifier!
Prizes: The winner will earn a spot to compete in the United States Catan Championship held in St. Pual, MN later this year. The top 16 players will also win exclusive game pieces:
- Top 16 players each receive a “Klaus, Guardian of CATAN” card.
- Top 4 players will each additionally receive 1 Spring tile set and a set of fuzzy game pieces.
- The Winner will receive all the previous items, plus 1 Wood Sprite Catanimal enamel pin, and a guaranteed seat at the CATAN National Championship.
Please note that while we know there are many outstanding youngsters who play Catan very well, players must be 18+ years of age by the date of the National Championship (around September, exact date TBD).
Tournament Structure: We will play 3 preliminary round games and then cut to top 4 for a total of 4 games. Please note that competitive tournament play is a bit quicker than a casual game with friends.
Full tournament rules can be found here: Tournament Rules – CATAN Events
Event Attendees
Tom Carroll1 tickets
Ignas Volčokas1 tickets
Kamron Spivey1 tickets
Torion Cross1 tickets
Josh Lineberry1 tickets
Tim Lineberry1 tickets
Josh Darrow1 tickets
Elizabeth Alex1 tickets
Jonathan Vaughn1 tickets
Beth Darrow1 tickets
Trevor Daunt1 ticket
Zane Ross1 tickets
Faith Nicole McCoy1 ticketsJames McCoy1 tickets