D&D – Mikey Homebrew

The Country Below the Sea
A Homebrew D&D Campaign
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
Run by Mikey as Dungeon Master
For his next campaign, Mikey will be running a homebrew titled Mons’Odelia, the Country Below the Sea. This campaign is starting at level 1 and is geared toward both beginners and seasoned adventurers alike, but if you are a beginner, give us a quick shout via email or on Discord and we’ll connect you with the DM.
Legend states that Mons’Odelia was once a vibrant and prosperous country ruled by a powerful royal family. The people loved the king and queen, but the children not so much. While the king and queen treated the lands with benevolence and fairness, the children were spoiled and seemed only interested in increasing their own status.
The daughter in particular, Princess Faeure, found a way to finally beat her brother in their twisted game of power. Using dark, hidden, and forbidden magic, she was able to trick the god of the sea, Vjord, to marry her. Unfortunately, she got too cocky and Vjord discovered her ruse. He punished her by taking the only thing she ever wanted; the kingdom. Vjord began to sink the entire country to the bottom of the sea bed as Faeure could do nothing but watch. The king and queen, heartbroken at the pain their daughter caused, pleaded to the pantheons, hoping someone, anyone would hear their plea. Unfortunately, someone did. The only God who answered their plea was Ralishaz, the god of Ill luck and insanity. He said he would save their kingdom, but it would come at a price. They were willing to do anything to save their people. With the deal sealed, a massive wall of mountains started to rise around the entire country. They stretched higher and higher as the country kept sinking. Vjord, seeing he was bested, but his point made, retired back to his underwater realm, leaving the country below sea level with the only thing saving it from a watery grave is a massive mountain range brimming with bad luck.
When the chaos calmed down the King and Queen were never found along with Princess Faeure and Prince Calloustin. Some say Faeure is still cursed to watch and wait for the day the country sinks. It is also believed the price for the country’s safety was the royal family themselves. Needless to say, the country fell into anarchy without a ruling family. Even now the areas, cut out by races and cultures, remain territorial and guarded.

Event Policies: This is an ongoing campaign and is currently full, please email us if you’d like to be placed on the waitlist. This event is intended for ages 18+, please check out Kid’s D&D and Teen’s D&D if you are younger.
Game Master
Event Attendees
Elisabeth1 tickets
Lumpy1 tickets
JR1 tickets