D&D – Savage Tide

Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign – Savage Tide (homebrew)
Dungeon Master: Kirk
You’ve lived in the port town of North Harbor for most, if not all, of your life. The sights and smells have become familiar. But now there is an undercurrent of change. You can almost smell it on the sea breeze. The tide may soon be turning. And it may be a Savage Tide indeed!
This is an ongoing campaign that begins Sunday June 19th and will meet alternating Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. This campaign currently has a full set of regular players, but please email us at zander@justgameslex.com if you’d like to be on the waitlist and we will let you know if a regular player can no longer attend.
This campaign is for adults 18 or older and limited to 6 players.
Game Master
Kirk RDungeon Master
Kirk has been a player/DM since the early days of Dungeons and Dragons in 1979. He has played or run games in various systems over his life. He loves D&D and enjoys playing in campaigns with his friends and running games at conventions and his home campaign which he has run off and on since 1982. He also enjoys introducing new players to the game and hopes they have as much fun as he has over the years.
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