After-School D&D Club
Dungeons & Dragons for Kids!
Dungeon Master: Jason
Kid’s D&D adventures are intended for middle school and early high school age players and are specifically chosen to provide an introductory level experience and an engaging story for this age group.
Until January 5, sign up is reserved for kids signing up for the full 21 session “semester”. This is to encourage group consistency. Total cost is $315 and $3 of store credit will be put on your child’s account each session. Please contact to arrange payment and we will sign you up. Cancellation of an individual session with at least 48-hour notice is entitled to a $9 refund.
This campaign with Jason as DM meets every Thursday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The table limit is 6 players, so you must RSVP and prepay to save your child’s spot. Please email us if there are no available seats and we will make every effort to contact you if there is an opening.
How much does the club cost?
We can provide the best experience for your child when we are well prepared! Dungeons & Dragons sessions need to be balanced for the correct number of players, so last minute adjustments mean more work for the Dungeon Master. This is reflected in our pricing:
- Prepay and register at least 24 hours in advance at the rate of $15/day (reservations may be changed with at least 24 hour notice with no penalty, otherwise there is a $2 fee)
Kids receive $3 of store credit for every session, which they may save up or use on snacks.
Campaign Status
This group is currently full, please email us at if you would like to be on the waitlist.
Game Master
Jason BDungeon Master
Jason is our most prolific Dungeon Master, running campaigns for adults, teens, and kids! He takes great pride is setting up all sorts of dungeons and mysteries for his players to explore and is quite the talented miniature painter as well.
Event Attendees
Xavier1 ticket
Jack Laughy1 ticket
Jasper1 ticket
Albert Woodard1 ticket