Kid’s D&D – Jason DM
Dungeons & Dragons for Kids!
Dungeon Master: Jason
Kid’s D&D adventures are intended for middle school and early high school age players and are specifically chosen to provide an introductory level experience and an engaging story for this age group.
This campaign with Jason as DM, set in the world of Faerûn, meeting alternating Saturdays from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The table limit is 6 players, so you must RSVP to save your child’s spot.
The duration of this D&D session will be two hours and will cost $15. Players will receive $3 on their store credit account, which they can spend on snacks or save up over several sessions for a larger purchase such as a dice set or D&D book.
Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign Setting
For the past two years, Auril the Frostmaiden has kept the settlements of Ten-Towns and all of the frost-riddled north under her icy spell. Weaving her spell every night, the sun is kept at bay below the horizon, freezing everything north of the Spine of the World mountains in perpetual ice. Though the denizens do what they can, it is up to adventurers to brave the cold and see what dangers lurk in the billowing snow and plummeting temperatures.
Game Master
Jason BDungeon Master
Jason is our most prolific Dungeon Master, running campaigns for adults, teens, and kids! He takes great pride is setting up all sorts of dungeons and mysteries for his players to explore and is quite the talented miniature painter as well.