Kid’s D&D – Adventure Academy

Dungeons & Dragons for Kids!

Dungeon Master: Kirk

Kid’s D&D adventures are intended for middle school and early high school age players and are specifically chosen to provide an introductory level experience and an engaging story for this age group.

This campaign with Kirk as DM meets alternating Saturdays from 2 pm to 4 pm. The table limit is 5 players, so you must RSVP to save your child’s spot.

The duration of this D&D session will be two hours and will cost $14. Players will receive $3 on their store credit account, which they can spend on snacks or save up over several sessions for a larger purchase such as a dice set or D&D book.

Homebrew Campaign Setting

Every adventurer has a beginning, a place and a time when they learned to be heroes. The Silver Ravel School for adventurers is the premier school for the education of adventurers. Wizards, fighters, rogues, and every class in between all learn the basics of how to develop their unique skills. From fighting bad guys to bartering with shopkeepers, the Silver Ravel School for Adventurers has produced world class heroes for nearly two centuries. Do you have what it takes to be extraordinary?



Mar 23 2024


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm




Just Games Lexington
29 W Nelson St

Game Master

  • Kirk R
    Kirk R
    Dungeon Master

    Kirk has been a player/DM since the early days of Dungeons and Dragons in 1979. He has played or run games in various systems over his life. He loves D&D and enjoys playing in campaigns with his friends and running games at conventions and his home campaign which he has run off and on since 1982. He also enjoys introducing new players to the game and hopes they have as much fun as he has over the years.

Event Attendees