Light as a gentle breeze, the plush pouch was light to the touch. The adventurer hefted its weight, wondering at the lightness. As they open it, the glittering treasure inside illuminates their face. To their surprise, the bag was full of more treasure than it seemed able to hold.
Light as a gentle breeze, the plush pouch was light to the touch. The adventurer hefted its weight, wondering at the lightness. As they open it, the glittering treasure inside illuminates their face. To their surprise, the bag was full of more treasure than it seemed able to hold.
Light as a gentle breeze, the plush pouch was light to the touch. The adventurer hefted its weight, wondering at the lightness. As they open it, the glittering treasure inside illuminates their face. To their surprise, the bag was full of more treasure than it seemed able to hold.
Light as a gentle breeze, the plush pouch was light to the touch. The adventurer hefted its weight, wondering at the lightness. As they open it, the glittering treasure inside illuminates their face. To their surprise, the bag was full of more treasure than it seemed able to hold.