The Slaves to Darkness march relentlessly across the Mortal Realms, driven by the will of Archaon Everchosen, Be'lakor the Dark Master, and the Gods of Chaos themselves.
Warpspark Clawpacks emerge when the countless hordes of the Clans Verminus unite with the unpredictable war machines of the Clans Skryre. The Clanrats willingly serve a Grey Seer, providing a means for devastating Skryre technology to be unleashed upon their foes.
Iridan the Witness is a powerful and tragic figure, embodying the sorrow and duty of the Stormcast Eternals who seek to remember their lost brothers before the Ruination. Mounted on the mighty Morrgryph Ariax, this miniature is an incredible centrepiece for any Stormcast Eternals army in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
The Lord-Terminos is a solemn executioner within the Ruination Chamber of the Stormcast Eternals, tasked with delivering the final judgment to those whose time in the Mortal Realms has come to an end. These grim figures wield mighty blades to sever the heads of both enemies and fellow warriors, ensuring that no Stormcast who is truly beyond redemption is left…
Tornus the Redeemed is a powerful hero for your Stormcast Eternals army, embodying redemption and the strength of faith. Once a devotee of Nurgle, he now serves Sigmar as a Knight-Azyros, guiding and healing Sigmar's righteous warriors while smiting his enemies with unshakeable resolve. Tornus is a symbol of hope, carrying a sacred lantern that not only aids his allies…
A supremely powerful Draconith Hero skilled in magic and melee combat The true dragons return as colossal Leaders for Stormcast Eternals armies Can be alternately built as Karazai the Scarred, a dominant close-combat fighter
Lead the charge of your Sylvaneth forces with Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth Unleash powerful Ghyranite magic upon the battlefield Call the hunt using Belthanos's mighty Kurnothi War-horn
A selection of key Fyreslayers units, from furious Berzerkers to the bardic Battlesmith Start a new army or expand an existing collection, all while saving money Contains 26 multipart plastic miniatures
A selection of key Idoneth Deepkin units, from agile Namarti to mounted Akhelians Start a new army or expand an existing collection, all while saving money Contains 15 multipart plastic miniatures