Adeptus Custodes: Custodian Wardens
Immovable sentinels who watch over the Emperor himself
Armed with your choice of castellan axe or guardian spear
Kit can optionally make a Shield-Captain and Vexilus Praetor
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Guardians of order and discipline, Custodian Wardens are revered for their calm and unwavering dedication to their duties. Clad in ornate robes that symbolize their role as vigilant protectors, they stand as unyielding bastions of auramite and strength that no enemy can overcome. Bound by solemn oaths crafted after a year of profound reflection atop the perilous cliffs of the Gallowtower, these warriors would sooner face oblivion than betray their vows. Their unshakeable resolve infuses them with a fearsome willpower that commands respect.
This kit includes everything needed to construct a unit of 5 Custodian Wardens, distinguished by their regal attire and intricate auramite armor adorned with intricate embellishments. Each warrior wields either a guardian spear or castellan axe, with options for customization such as interchangeable helmets, plumes, and thigh plates. Additionally, the set allows for the assembly of a Shield-Captain, featuring unique components and ceremonial robes, armed with a choice of weapons and a misericordia. One model can also be built as a Vexilus Praetor, equipped with an elegant Vexilla in addition to standard weapons.
Containing 78 pieces and 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases, this kit offers endless possibilities for creating your own elite Custodian Warden unit.