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SKU: 0860002084909 Category:


OuiSi (“we-see”) visual games are award-winning sets of 210 visually-connecting photo cards, with activities and games that ignite creativity and curiosity, regardless of age.

Whether you are looking for a true all-ages game for the family table, or a fun screen break that fosters connection with our planet, OuiSi offers something for everyone.”

OuiSi includes a number of photo cards and a rule-book which describes a number of creative (non-competitive games) and competitive games. Typical creative games include players identifying visual connections between photos of seemingly unrelated objects and building a map of those connections on the table. Typical competitive games consist laying out a grid of the photo cards in a one-vs-many game where the one gives a clueword which is intended to indicate several cards on the grid simultaneously and the many try to guess the appropriate cards (similar to Codewords).