"The Heart of Aqshy" is an action-packed adventure that follows Knight-Incantor Tivrain Greymantle, a Stormcast Eternal who finds herself caught between duty and her conscience. When her superiors order her to forget the fate of her captured comrades, Tivrain cannot abandon them. Haunted by the souls of her brothers and sisters trapped by Morathi-Khaine in the fallen city of Anvilgard,…
A great way to start playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar Everything you need to learn in one box! Includes 18 push-fit Citadel miniatures that make up two perfect starter forces the noble Stormcast Eternals and the vicious Kruleboyz
Long ago, the Reach thrived. But our ancestors failed us, and I fear we’re no better. As we wrestle over the galaxy’s edge, can we break the cycle? Can we build something new?
The Blighted Reach Campaign Expansion adds an innovative campaign to Arcs. Over a three-game trilogy, players will guide their factions through an epic science-fiction saga where every choice matters.