A front-line support Character and Elites choice for the Adepta Sororitas Empowers her fellow Sisters with a steely gaze Highly skilled at swinging her huge mace
At the forefront of each Skryre clan is an Arch-Warlock, a master of lethal science who oversees the creation of a wide array of temperamental yet utterly deadly techno-arcane superweapons. The mind of an Arch-Warlock operates like a complex machine, constantly generating new designs for instruments of destruction.
Brood Terrors stand as some of the most grotesque creations of the Clans Moulder. These twin-headed titans oscillate between moments of cunning intellect and primal fury. Emerging from dense clouds of mutagenic fog, they move with an awkward yet unmistakable intent. Their hooked flails pull enemies closer, subjecting them to warpflame or slicing them apart with swift, knife-like appendages.